"In life as in football,you wont go far, unless you know where the goalpost are"
-Arnold H.Glasgow
This statement is true since without goals where would you end up at. In this quote the goal post is representing goals that people may set for them self's. It is true if you are not making goals you wouldn't be able to track your success. while being unable to track your success maybe a benefit and a barrier. It may be beneficial since you may not go very far but never know of it. it may also benefit you because if you fail to achieve your goals you wouldn't know. It can also be a good thing if you fail goals consistently but are able to work without them. It may be a barrier as you will may not have expectation or may have unreasonable expectations. You at the end of it all may regret not having goals. As a result it is always bests to have goals for yourself.
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