"!.work hard 2. follow your passions. Do things that you are interested in doing. 3. Don't chase after money 4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you."
-Phillip Riggs
This tips are very true as they relate to us very well. The first tip is rue since nothing will come easy. also because you are just wasting you time if you are not working hard. the next tip is also true because if you don't do what you are interested in doing then you will love what you do. If do something that you are not passionate for then you wont enjoy the time of your life that you are doing that. If you do something for the money then t he money wont end up meaning much because you wont be happy. Doing something for the money will be a burden that you will have to be forced to continue to do. If you do good things for other people then you will be richer spiritually. You will also get repayed in many other ways.Its always better to do the right thing.
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