
Showing posts from April, 2018
"!.work hard 2. follow your passions. Do things that you are interested in doing. 3. Don't chase after money 4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you." -Phillip Riggs This tips are very true as they relate to us very well. The first tip is rue since nothing will come easy. also because you are just wasting you time if you are not working hard. the next tip is also true because if you don't do what you are interested in doing then you will love what you do. If do something that you are not passionate for then you wont enjoy the time of your life that you are doing that. If you do something for the money then t he money wont end up meaning much because you wont be happy. Doing something for the money will be a burden that you will have to be forced to continue to do. If you do good things for other people then you will be richer spiritually. You will also get repayed in many other ways.Its always better to do the right thing.
Teen Challenges 1. What are several of the major challenges teens deal with today? Body image, Search for identity, Scheduling work and play, Social and parental pressure and emotional health 2. What are one or two major challenges YOU are dealing with today? What are you doing about them? Scheduling work and play  I try my best to organize them. 3. How does being a CTR person help you to overcome any challenge you may face? It helps me because i know its always better to do the right thing. 4. How can you help other teens to overcome their challenges? 6. Reflection:  What do you think is the greatest need that teens have today? The greatest need for teens to have today is to have the knowledge that doing the right thing is always the best thing to do
"Being a c-t-r person isn't always easy, but it's the best person you can be." -Diana Beltran This statement by Diana is important because it it very true and relate able.Its true doing the right thing is not always easy. Actually doing the right thing is very hard that is why most people don't do it. If it was easy everyone would do it.Doing the right thing has the most benefits though. When people chose the right they tend to feel better. Those who chose the right tend to be the richest people spiritually. Doing the right is simply the right thing to do. Choosing the right has the best reward. The best thing to do is chose the right. 
"In any moment of decision,the best thing you can do is the right thing" -Theodore Roosevelt This quote is true since the right decision as always the best decision. You can never get in trouble for doing the right thing at least spiritually. Doing the right thing has less consequences. The right thing usually also benefits others. If you do the right thing more people would want to know you. More people would want to be around you if you are nice. There are an endless amount of benefits from doing he right thing. You will get more opportunities if you  do the right thing. You will be a a lot happier as people would thank you more. It is always best to do the  right thing.
"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong" -Wilford Woodruff This quote is true because you can only go backwards when doing the wrong thing. It is impossible to go forward. Doing the right thing always has benefits. Doing the wrong thing can only have one benift which would be to learn from your mistakes. Sometimes doing the right thing may seem to have less reward than doing the wrong thing. Doing the right thing will always have a greater reward.When you do the wrong thing you may feel guilty for the rest of your life. If you do the wrong thing and get caught but don't get sent to prison than you will be imprisoned in your mind. if you ever have kids you will want your kids to do the right thing but f you did the wrong thing growing up then you would be a hypocrite. Choosing the right is always better than choosing the wrong.
Recreation Therapist Duties and Responsibilities: Recreation therapists employ leisure activities to help patients with disabilities or illnesses. Salary: $45,890 Education:Bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation or recreation with a therapeutic concentration Demand for this particular career: This career is expected to grow 12%  Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? No I would not like to be one because they require to much schooling for me. I also wouldn't because they don't make that much money.
"It's A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character tom step up and do the right thing at the right time." -Pam knox This statement is important because character is a very important trait. Without character we would be just robots. Everyone has a different character whether its good or bad. Character can be interpreted differently as well . If someone sees you do one bad thing then automatically they may assume you have bad character. Even though you may have just doesn't one thing wrong. You may have good character other wise but may just be on a vacation and resting. Character is also what many people immediately look for.It doesnt hurt to be a good person. Life is always better when you chose the right.
Radiologist Technologist Duties and Responsibilities: preform x-rays to assist physicians in diagnosing Medical Aliments Salary: $56,760 Education: An associate’s degree is required Demand for this particular career: This carrier is projected to grow 9% from 2014 to 2024 Reflection:  Do you think you would like to be one?  Why? Why not? No I would not like to be one because they don’t make much money. Also because this doesn’t seem very interesting
“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor.’ I will tell you. Place me behind prison walls–walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground–there is a possibility that in some way or another I may escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of the circle? No. Never! I’d die first!”   -Karl .G Maser I think that this quote is important since your word means a lot. Giving someone your word is one of the most important promises you can make. Your should be a guarantee you will be there 100%. Since your word belongs to you it is your name that will suffer from falsifying your word. Also it is known that people need other people in order for them to survive so if you don't keep your promise you are killing someone .When people rely on you its is because you have done something to make them trust you. Trust is something that is earned. Trust is also somethin
X-Ray technician Duties and Responsibilities: X -ray technicians use cutting-edge imaging methods to visualize the inside of the human body Salary: $75,230 Education: An Associates degree is required Demand for this particular career: this career is projected to grow 13 % from 2016 to 2018 : Reflection:Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? Yes i would like to be one because this seems like a cool job. Also because they make good money